這半年來, 這家小巧的法式麵包咖啡館Beaucoup Bakery & cafe 是我上班前跟中午買咖啡最常去的地方. 他最有名的就是它得獎的可頌麵包, 據說是讓試吃的人矇住眼睛然後選出最好吃的可頌. 這小館裝潢之用心, 還有美麗的設計源自於漂亮的老闆是做設計出身. 她愛烘培愛到去法國學習, 回來後開了這家店. 這完全就是一個可以寫成浪漫故事的情節啊~好啦, 熟女不管到了幾歲還是很愛幻想. 


如果你也跟我一樣, 覺得咖啡館不只要咖啡好喝外, 室內氛圍也要兼顧的話. 那你若是來溫哥華就一定要來這一家坐坐. 他室內挑高還有一整面的落地玻璃, 窗明几淨的讓人覺得心情愉快.






然後滿間麵包香味還有咖啡香, 每一種看起來都好好吃的法式麵包. 我是打算每次來都要吃不同地來滿足一下. 我高中同學Rose最愛說要寵愛自己,  不過我知道寵愛自己後還是多運動才能吃更多美食啊! 離題了.. 他的麵包有甜的也有鹹的. 我拍照當天是吃起司可頌, 配上無糖拿鐵..美味早點!其實他還有很多好吃又非常精緻的甜點, 但是我早上八點就來, 他們還沒做好. 下一次會記得拍.


我說她裝潢用心是看得出來的. 臺面都用大理石提升高級感. 白色櫃子表面都有做飾邊, 後面大牆是米色瓷磚. 







門口一面紅色的牆呼應了咖啡館外面的大牆. 讓空間多了點溫暖的色調. 另外也展示了很多別緻的盤子, 每一件都像是藝術品.






坐在角落區看出去也很明亮. 白色是珐瑯水壺. 



很吸引我的目光的是裡面座位旁的大黑板. 他們還提供粉筆讓客人寫寫心情願望. 還有人隨手塗鴉.


我特別在照了這邊台放置雜物的鐵鑄桌子. 木頭的台面加上輪子的造型有點鄉村感. 



這裡的咖啡是使用49th Parallel的豆子. 也是這裡很有名的咖啡豆店 (也有超好吃的甜甜圈哦..口味非一般. 下次介紹!)咖啡是比Starbucks好喝. 






就是這面可愛的黑板, what would you like to do this summer you put off last summer? 我想要的是..晒多一點太陽, 能多去卡加利看看媽媽!


他也有出集點卡, 10杯送一杯!還建議你若是集到免費咖啡, 可以將他送人. 很好的善意發想!


地點不管是開車或是大眾交通工具都能到達. 離有名的Kitslano or Granville island 都蠻近的.

2150 Fir Street, Vancouver BC V6J 3B5

Monday to Friday 7am-6pm

Saturday & Sunday 8am-6pm



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在返台年假的最後一天, 親愛的揪揪&Shao帶我與Mr. T去民生社區文藝氣息濃厚的Fujin Tree Cafe. 隔壁Fujin Tree slect shop給我感覺像是藝廊, 正在展出Kiyomi Ohho大野清美的畫作. 咖啡與藝術的組合, 非常美好! 我期望此篇中英文都有, 讓外國人也能發現台灣用心經營的咖啡店.

The last day of my vacation, was topped off with a visit to the coffee shops on Fujin street. Jo and Shao introduced me to one of the most quaint and tastfully designed cafe called Fujin Tree 353 Cafe. The first senses engaged is the aromatic smells of the coffee beans. You are then met with a wonderfully designed clean and modern interior setting, a nice break from the monotony of the North American cookie cutter Starbucks we see everyday in Canada.  The coffee shop is famous for its award winning expresso by Simple Kaffa. Simply put one of the best expresso's you'll find in Taipei. Beside the cafe, there is the original Fujin Tree store selling a variety of interesting and unique sundry items. On March 16, I was lucky to see the art exhibition by Kiyomi Ohno. There are other local artists on display and some of their work is available for sale.  

那是個週日的下午, 我們得到最佳戶外座位. 

Sunday afternoon in Fujin Tree Cafe  

開放式的咖啡廳很明亮, 個人偏好坐在戶外. 可以看行人穿搭加上空氣流通.

The cafe is spaicious and bright. The best seating area would be in front of the cafe where 

you can pull up a table and enjoy people watching.

 Front seating area


我點了陽台之茶, 跟朋友分享三種蛋糕:宇治森半抹茶卷, 栗子卷, 檸檬琉璃蛋糕. 三個甜味剛剛好!抹茶味道很濃, 海綿蛋糕鬆軟溼潤. 是三個中的第一名!

While the coffee is great, the tea is also a good pick. There are a number of special teas and they are all fresh and tasty. Then there is desert. Green tea roll and Chestnut roll are always my favorite. They use the green tea from Kyoto Japan so very authentic. They are so rich in flavor and soft in texture. Lemon pound cake is Mr. T's number one because he can not eat cream. Too bad for him because the other deserts were heavenly.

Green tea roll cake, Chestnut roll cake & Lemon Pound cake  

Dessert manu  

Americano 不酸好入口, 下次有機會我想知道這是哪裡的咖啡豆. 杯子手感溫潤, 應該問問去哪買(隔壁?)

Only T ordered an Americano, he said the taste was smooth. 

Designer mug  

很幸運能剛好欣賞到Kiyomi Ohno在Fujin Tree的展出.  這次是展Finland/Sweden Sketch book & Seven Flowers. 


 Art by Kiyomi Ohno




我好喜歡他的畫風, 顏色豐富, 筆觸流利. 買下她的小冊子作紀念. 我也想跟她一樣到處走到處畫, 用畫畫來記錄旅行. 因為晚上就要搭飛機, 所以這次短短的只坐了一小時多. 意猶未盡. 他們拿手的Cappuccino我沒嚐到, 跟好朋友也還沒聊夠. 就期待下一次的假期吧!

I would strongly recommend foreign visitors to come to this cafe. A good coffee shop is not hard to find on Fujian Street, but one with mixes the right drinks with a good assortment of deserts and a pleasant ambiance makes the Fuijian Tree 353 Cafe a must visit for those die hard Java aficionados. We did not stay long and needed to fly back to Canada at night. However this place is definently worth visiting again. 

Transporation: There is no metro in this area. But the cloest metro station would be Songshan Airport Station then you could take taxi to get there. The cost to take a taxi is much cheaper comparing with Canada.

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*Fujin Tree 353 Cafe by Simple Kaffa*


No.353, Fujin St., Songshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan 


Mon-Fri10:30 - 18:30
Sat-Sun10:30 - 19:30


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